
Global Cosmed is the only company in the cosmetics industry with the ESG Innovator 2022 award.


Out of nearly 90 applications for this year’s edition of the “ESG Innovator” competition, only one company in the cosmetics sector was recognized for its mature approach to sustainable development. Global Cosmed S.A. was awarded Gold in the category of Innovations in the area of corporate governance for its concept of the Integrated Product Development Process.

The “ESG Innovator 2022” competition promotes the best practices in the field of ESG, CSR and sustainable development. Its aim is to distinguish projects that have a positive impact on the natural environment, the well-being of employees and local communities, and that improve transparency and corporate governance in organizations. The prizes are awarded by a wide body of jurors representing, among others: the Polish ESG Association, the Łukasiewicz Research Network, PAIH or the German Chamber of Commerce.

“The challenges related to the introduction of the principles of circular economy or decarbonisation concern not only the industries with the strongest impact on the environment: energy, construction or fuel. These are the challenges facing every company. Therefore, in order to answer them, it is important to build strong foundations: a conscious and committed Team, clear rules and directions of action. Thanks to this, step by step, we will make our activities greener and greener. Hence the project of the Integrated Product Development Process, the so-called ZPT, developed jointly by various units in the company and combining a multi-faceted approach to the product,” commented Magdalena Miele, Vice-President of the Management Board of Global Cosmed S.A.

The Integrated Development Process is a practical tool describing the product from the standpoint of 8 aspects relevant to the consumer, customer and ESG factors. Each of the aspects involves specific actions measured by indicators (qualitative and quantitative). Importantly, many of the elements operate at the interface of various Departments and the combined Teams are responsible for developing optimal solutions.

More information about the awarded project can be found at:, and for the full list of competition winners, go to